Friday, April 19, 2013

Do you Love Colors - 25 Mind-blowing Colorful Photography examples

Do you Love Colors - 25 Mind-blowing Colorful Photography examples 
Capture Bold Colors in Your Photography: Photography is a great way to "learn by doing", and in the digital age it is no longer a costly thing to experiment with photographs. Something that any photographer must do then is experiment with color, particularly with bold colors. This is because they are among the most powerful ways to create a feeling or mood in a photograph. When bolder colors are used, however, the photographer must be well-aware of their effects on neighboring colors or the entire image. Lighting: A first consideration when color is going to be used to add drama or meaning to a photograph is the sort of light in which the colors exist. Colors are actually easier to record when the lighting in the scene is indirect, less powerful, or even subdued. Consider flower photography, experienced photographers tend to grab their cameras and head to flower gardens when the day is overcast and gloomy. This is because the nature of the light allows the colors to really "pop", and the lack of brilliant sun allows colors to show without reflecting or bleeding into one another. Polarizing Filter: Because most people......
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