Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Daily Inspiration: Classic and Colourful Digital Illustrations of Polish Artist Kamil Bialogrzywy

Classic and Colourful Digital Illustrations of Polish Artist Kamil Bialogrzywy

BMZ Innovation Group is a leading company in Europe and a well known global player for battery system solutions. Kamil Bialogrzywy, an illustrator based in Poland has created offline gamification for BMZ Poland. Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. The ultimate motive in using gamification is to get in touch with consumers, employees and partners to improve collaboration, sharing and interaction. Kamil creates magic in his digital illustrations with vibrant colour palettes and bizarre artworks. As a manufacturer and innovation leader, BMZ wanted to promote its significance and hence sought the illustrations of Kamil. The wonderful illustrations of Kamil show the values of the Global leader and its responsibility to uphold the quality. Here we share the digital illustrations of BMZ created by Kamil Bialogrzywy.

Read Full Post here: Classic and Colourful Digital Illustrations of Polish Artist Kamil Bialogrzywy

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