Japanese animation : The earliest commercial Japanese animation dates to 1917, and production of anime works in Japan has since continued to increase steadily. The characteristic anime art style emerged in the 1960s with the works of Osamu Tezuka and spread internationally in the late twentieth century, developing a large domestic and international audience. The anime industry consists of over 430 production studios including major names like Studio Ghibli, Gainax and Toei Animation. Despite having a fraction of the domestic film market, anime achieves a majority of DVD sales and has been an international success after the rise of televised English dubs. In this post we have added 30 Best Japanese Animation works & 2D 3D Animated Short films
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Design Inspiration Blog, shares most inspired graphics for designers, Illustrators, 3D Animators and Fine art professionals.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
30 Best Japanese animations - 2D and 3D Animated Short Films
35 Stunning Game Website Design examples - See Design possibilities
Looking for some website design ideas or game site design? You have reached your destination for great game website designs. What we love about these game site designs are their uniqueness and their captivating storyline. The choice of colors, theme, background, 3d midels, characters all play a great factor in nurturing interest in the gamer's mind. From single player to multiplayer levels, arcade games, board games, free games, premium games we have the best collection for excited gamers. Some of these game site designs allow end users to purchase them online and others allow online play time after signing up.The stunning visuals, animations, trailers create a wave of interest in users.
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40 Most Beautiful 3D Woman Character designs and models
3D Woman: In this post we have added 25 most beautiful 3D woman Character Designs for your inspiration. These characters were created with powerful 3D tools like ZBursh, 3DsMax, Maya and other 3D softwares. I hope you like these 3D Woman characters.
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Saturday, December 29, 2018
Daily Inspiration: New year greetings 2019
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Friday, December 28, 2018
Daily Inspiration: Happy new year greetings 2019
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
20 Beautiful Oil paintings of Women by Francine Van Hove
Oil Paintings: Francine Van Hove was born in Paris and she is a contemporary French artist. She completed her degree in fine arts at Lycee Claude Bernard Arts School. Her first solo Oil Painting exhibition was in 1971 and her collections are available throughout Europe, Japan and USA. Her oil paintings of women are very realistic and exquisite works of art. She is well known for her transparent skin tones and she expresses beauty in a different form. Her painting techniques are similar to the italain painters of the 16th and 17th centuries. We have included 25 realistic oil paintings of women by Francine Van Hove for your inspiration.
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15 Beautiful Macro Photographs by famous Indonesian photographer Abdul Gapur Dayak
We have added 15 beautiful macro photography by Abdul Gapur Dayak. Photographer, Abdul Gapur Dayak was born in a poor family in Indonesia and even though he was interested in photography, he couldn't follow his passion, since he couldn't acquire a camera. He took on odd jobs and saved some money and bought himself a Canon EOS 1100 D and the standard EF lenses - 18-55 mm in 2014. He is a self taught photography and his specialization is macro photography. He enjoys nature and the numerous insects and birds he comes across in Indonesia. Most of his macro photo subjects are colorful butterflies, ants and larvae. He tries different styles like abstract macro photography, for adding more depth and color to the subjects.
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25 Free Stock Photography Websites and Free Stock Photos
Free Stock Photos: Stock photo sites reduce the cost of hiring a professional photographers. There are numerous free stock images available in the internet, but they are mostly water marked, blurry or very bad resolution.High quality stock images are mostly owned by 123rf and shutterstock and they charge a hefty price for downloading them. To make your job easier we have added some free stock photos or stock photography sites for your inspiration. Download 30 Free Stock Photos here.
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60 Beautiful and Easy Henna Mehndi Designs for every occasion
Henna mehndi designs : Coloring hands, legs with henna paste or mehndi is a popular practice in India,Pakistan and Arabian countries. Ladies adorn themselves with artistic mehndi designs for every occasion like marriage, party or even wear them to office. Different types of mehndi is available like red henna,black henna, glitter, stones. Variety of colors are used to decorate the mehandi designs or you can just go for the traditional ones. Every hand looks amazing with mehndi and currently there is a craze for mehndi in foreign countries like America, UK. They wear them as temporary tattoos. Here are a collection of the 25 Beautiful mehndi designs for every occasion.
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Daily Inspiration: Happy new year greeting card 2019
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Wednesday, December 26, 2018
15 Funny and Imaginative Animal Drawings by Ricardo Solis
Animal Drawings : Little did we know that the animals around us are built by little humans, or that is the idea the artist wanted to us imagine. Ricardo Solis was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. He graduated from the School of Visual Arts and has participated in major exhibitions worldwide. He has always been attracted to art and nature and now as a professional artist, captures the same in his work. Only someone with a great sense of humor and imagination can pull off something like this. Here are fifteen of his illustrations of animal being created by little humans. They are funny and highly creative at the same. Scroll down to enjoy more of Ricardo's Animal drawings.
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Daily Inspiration: New year greetings card
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Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Daily Inspiration: Christmas greeting card 2019
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Monday, December 24, 2018
10 Portrait Paintings of Hollywood Celebrities by Sebastian Kruger
Portrait Paintings by Sebastian Kruger: In this post we have added 10 Portrait Paintings of Hollywood Celebrities by Sebastian Kruger for your inspiration. According to his website,"Sebastian Krüger, as a promoter of New Pop Art, has established himself as a popular artist whose objective is committed to the conundrum of identity and portraiture, the authenticity of the fictional. His works attract large numbers of visitors to the galleries and museums.Creative contemplation of the apparatus of media presentation, the icon mania of contemporary production of images, is the defining characteristic of his portrait paintings. His Faces are a benevolent but subversive tribute to the world of the beautiful surface, the rock and pop culture of the sixties, with which the artist has cultivated an almost ritual relationship". You can find almost all top Hollywood celebrity portrait pictures which was created by Kruger. In March 2015, he his book named Face2Face was released containing HD quality pictures of Kruger's paintings.
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Daily Inspiration: Christmas greeting cards 2019
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Sunday, December 23, 2018
50 Best New Year Greeting card designs from top designers - 2019
Find the best New Year Greetings and Design ideas from some of the top designers in the world right here. New year 2019 is time for fresh start, be cheerful, take up a hobby, get fit or tend to your home gardens. You can find new year greeting cards for your friends, family and even for your next door neighbor. We have beautiful typography new year greeting card designs, colorful new year greetings, merry christmas and new year card designs, so browse and enjoy. Most people plan for parties on New year's eve, let us not forget the people at home like your grand parents, house keeping and more, be nice to them, wish them happy new year and even a small new year greeting card with a personal message will light up their lives. In 2019, The best new year greetings comes from the heart, so bring on the new year with lots of joy and happiness. In this post we have included 50 Best New Year Greeting card designs from top designers.
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Saturday, December 22, 2018
Daily Inspiration: Business christmas cards greeting vector
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Friday, December 21, 2018
25 Beautiful Body Painting Art works from around the world
Body Painting Art: In this post we have included 25 Beautiful Body Painting Art works from around the world for your inspiration. Body painting art is very popular among artists and many participate in the world body painting competition held every year. In this series you are sure to find the most inspiring and award winning body painting designs which are sure to rock your world. Prior to starting a body painting session it's very important to have clean brushes and kits, we don't want the subjects turning their heads away in disgust. Invite the subject's close friends or relatives, so they can gain more confidence in what you do.
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Daily Inspiration: Christmas cake xmas decoration ideas
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25 Beautiful and Realistic 3d Character Designs from top designers
3D Character designs involve a lot of creativity and at the same should be appealing to the viewers. These 3D character designs play a vital role in games, animation movies and they are the deciding factors in its success. These 3D character designs are created using various tools like 3DS Max, ZBrush, Maya, Softimage, Modo, Blender, Cinema 4D, Lightwave and Houdini. The character designs form the heart of any animation movie, as most movies require atleast 15 minutes of motion graphic effects. Here we have included 25 Creative and Beautiful 3d Character Designs,
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35 Creative and unusual Wedding Invitation Card Design Ideas
Wedding Card Design : Every bride wants to plan an unforgettable wedding day. Funny or Unusual Wedding card designs add more funny memories in your wedding. In this post we have added unique and creative wedding invitation card designs for you. You can have the most gorgeous invites ever, but when it comes down to it, your wedding invitations are a functional detail. They should spell out all essential wedding info -- who's getting married, who's hosting and where, when and what time the ceremony will take place. Keep trying new wedding card design ideas and inspire your family and friends.
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Thursday, December 20, 2018
20 Mind Blowing Digital Artworks and Paintings by Jonas Jodicke
Digital artworks: Jonas Jodicke is a talented artist from Berlin, Germany. He is particularly specialized in Digital art and water color paintings. Jonas Jodicke is open to commission works through his deviant art website. Most of this artists subjects are fantasy creatures, animals and models.He has also created awesome t-shirt prints, which are a huge hit amongst the art world. Jonas Jodicke is also known as Sanguis Gelidus in the art circle. The themes for most of his digital artworks are fiction and fantasy, which have a mix of traditional and digital art. Jonas is a very spiritual person, you can see most of his paintings seem to explore something beyond the universe. Enjoy the stunning digital artworks by Jonas Jodicke and be inspired.
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Daily Inspiration: Christmas greeting card
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20 Creative Christmas Typography Designs and Calligraphy art ideas
If you are looking for some christmas typography designs, feel free to browse through amazing collection. Now you can give your christmas greetings and posters a new twist with these amazing christmas fonts. You can also make your own christmas cards using this christmas calligraphy, they will add a personal touch to your christmas greetings. We have added christmas typography with solid colors, fonts on plain background, christmas fonts resembling christmas favourites like christmas tree, gifts and so on. In this post we have included 15 Creative Christmas Typography Designs and Calligraphy art ideas for you.
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30 Merry Christmas Wallpapers and Backgrounds for your desktop - HD
30 Merry Christmas Wallpapers and Backgrounds for your desktop - HD
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40 Beautiful Christmas Cake Decoration Ideas from top designers
Are you looking for some christmas cake decoration ideas, we are glad you stopped by to check out our sample cake ideas for your inspiration. No meal is complete without a desert and what is a christmas feast, without it's special cakes. Christmas cake recipes are passed down by many generations and it's usually a fruit cake, where the fruits or raisins are soaked in spirits for a whole week. The christmas cakes are slightly dusted with sugar with a short message " Merry Christmas". You can now give a twist to your christmas cakes with these stunning christmas cake decorations to impress your party. Cake ideas for christmas usually surrounds around reindeers, snowman, elves, santa claus, gifts and just about anything which reminds you of christmas. Browse through sample christmas cake ideas and i'm sure you will be immensely surprised. Rgds,
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50 Best Christmas Greeting Card Designs from top designers
Take a look at 30 awesome Christmas greeting card designs. Wish your friends and loved ones with these beautiful merry christmas greetings. It's the time of the year to be jolly and giving. You don't have to give really pricey items, a simple christmas greeting will bring joy to the receiver. Before of the advent of internet and online season's greetings, people used to enjoy signing christmas greeting cards, to show that they were remembered. Due to modern technology, it's just a click of button and your merry christmas greetings fly many miles within few seconds. Well, there are some people who still enjoy gluing stamps to christmas greeting cards, signing their family names and all other mundane tasks because they want to give it a personal touch. Lets make someone happy during this christmas, send an e-christmas greeting or manual card through post. Happy Christmas.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018
20 Beautiful Color Pencil Animal Drawings by Krystle Missildine
Color pencil drawings: Kryste Missildine is an amazing artist from Alabama. She is particularly fond of animals and nature. She creates these beautiful animal drawings out of color pencils and charcoals. According to her bio, "My wish is to provide all families with a beautiful work of art that honors and memorializes their pets or loved ones, and reflects the unconditional bond that they share". Apart from color pencils she also uses these supplies like acrylic paint, gel pen, graphite, charcoal and pastels for creating beautiful portraits. The portraits of your favourite pets on a feather is mind blowing, i'm sure we all would love to keep our memories fresh with these paintings adorning the walls of your home. Kryste Missildine is available for commission works. Enjoy the beautiful color pencil drawings by Kryste Missildine and be amazed.
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Daily Inspiration: Christmas photography
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40 Beautiful Christmas Cake Decoration Ideas from top designers
Are you looking for some christmas cake decoration ideas, we are glad you stopped by to check out our sample cake ideas for your inspiration. No meal is complete without a desert and what is a christmas feast, without it's special cakes. Christmas cake recipes are passed down by many generations and it's usually a fruit cake, where the fruits or raisins are soaked in spirits for a whole week. The christmas cakes are slighty dusted with sugar with a short message " Merry Christmas". You can now give a twist to your christmas cakes with these stunning christmas cake decorations to impress your party. Cake ideas for christmas usually surrounds around reindeers, snowman, elves, santa claus, gifts and just about anything which reminds you of christmas. Browse through sample christmas cake ideas and i'm sure you will be immensely surprised.
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35 Beautiful Dog Drawings and Art works from top artists
Dog drawings / Dog Art : Every artist chooses their favourite pets as one of their subjects while creating artworks. We have seen the dog paintings, now go through our collection of dog colour pencil drawings for your inspiration. Some of these dog color pencil drawings are hyper realistic, just like as if they are photographed. Make dog's stay still is extremely difficult, so some artists use the photograph version as a model while creating dog pencil drawings. i hope you will like these dog drawings.
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40 Beautiful Urban and City Photography examples for your inspiration
Urban Photography: Immerse yourself in the beauty of the city, Most cities come alive during the night, so if you are looking to become a specialist in city photography, then choose the night life. You will be amazed to see the lights of the cities, casting different kinds of shadows on your photos. City life is always fast, so catching the high speed motion photography of the urban life, is a very pleasing technique. The beautiful combination of people and architecture is unique to every city, so explore the cities, and take more urban photos. The fast life in the cities, always has something interesting to explore. Explore during dawn, dusk,night life and you are sure to capture awesome urban photos. In this post we have included 25 Beautiful Urban and City Photography examples for your inspiration.Do you love urban photography and hooked to your DSLR, then check out these amazing city landscapes, which are truly mesmerizing.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2018
10 Nature Watercolor Paintings by Hannah Jesus
Watercolor Paintings by Hannah Jesus: Hannah Jesus Koh is an art teacher and loves to create natural watercolor paintings from the stunning places she visit. What is so special about her technique is, she uses the water from the direct surroundings of the place she wishes to watercolor. "It's nice to know an elemental part of the scene will always be a literal part of my painting. The salty Arctic sea spray is infused into my painting of Dyrholaey. Drops from the largest ocean on Earth permeate my small painting of the Golden Gate Bridge. The Pacific Northwest rain rains into my painting of Multnomah Falls," explained Koh when she was featured on Instagram Blog. This special technique happened when she visited the base of Iceland's Gullfoss Waterfall and found that she didnt have any water, but the thick mists from the waterfall helped her complete the painting. In this post we have added 10 NatureWatercolor Paintings by Hannah Jesus Koh for your inspiration.
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Daily Inspiration: Pets Cat Award winning Photography by Timo Lehto
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20 Beautiful and Professional Free Wordpress Themes for your inspiration
Free wordpress themes are sometimes loaded with the cool looking webpages and overall design. If you are looking for professional wordpress themes, then one should opt for premium wordpress themes, which mostly have strong code and support team. If you are looking to build a website, use these beautiful wordpress themes, which look cool. Most people wonder if free wordpress themes get regular updates and support from the design team, since they are mostly coded by amateur developers. If you don't have a strong code, then there high chances of website crashes and security can be a big drawback. We have put together a beautiful list of free wordpress themes which are totally awesome and have some of the coolest functions than most other websites.
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25 Best Still Life Painting Tutorial Videos - Learn from the Masters
Still Life Painting Tutorials : A still life is an exercise in design, as the artist arranges the elements. Learn what it takes to make a great still life painting—what makes an interesting still life composition, how to draw fruit, the art of painting flowers, as well as get still life painting tutorials—with these videos.
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40 Creative Advertising Ideas and Designs from around the world
Creative Advertising design ideas : Advertising is one of the primary markets for graphic designers. Companies around the world rely on the talented and creative minds of designers to create visually impactful and memorable product advertisements. Advertising differs from other forms of design, as you often have to incorporate a product, a logo, a company image and other details to meet the client needs. Therefore, being able to manipulate results to match the color scheme, subject matter and target market are essential skills for any designer.
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